
Showing posts from October, 2021

Nutritional Overview: Micro Nutrients

 A common analogy I use when discussing micro vs. macro nutrients is a car. In order to get anywhere, not only does the fuel tank have to be filled, but the internal components also need to be in a functional state or else that fuel won't take you as far as it potentially is able to. Where I am going with this is simple, macro nutrients are the fuel for your car, while micro nutrients are the internal components, such as the fuel line, spark plugs, water pump, etc. More concisely, micro nutrients are what keeps those internal components in proper working order. In my previous post, I discussed macro nutrients and their three sources: protein, carbohydrates, and lipids (fats). In stark contrast to the three sources for macro nutrients, the number of micro nutrients is vast and many in number.  The first broad category of micro nutrients is vitamins. Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K comprise this sub-category of micro nutrients. Each of these vitamins have multiple forms and sub-categor